All the original resources created by Bloggerzbible are free to use personally. Commercially the resources should not be sold further. You can modify them as per your needs.
Any attribution would be really helpful because it takes a lot of hard work to create any such resource.
You are not permitted to make the resources created by Bloggerzbible available for distribution elsewhere “as is” without prior consent. If you would like to feature our resources on your site, please do not link directly to the resource zip files, please link to the appropriate page on where users can find their download.
Any attribution would be really helpful because it takes a lot of hard work to create any such resource.
You are not permitted to make the resources created by Bloggerzbible available for distribution elsewhere “as is” without prior consent. If you would like to feature our resources on your site, please do not link directly to the resource zip files, please link to the appropriate page on where users can find their download.